Core Priorities
Improvement Priorities 2023-2024
High Quality First Teaching strategies are used to secure the very best for all our children.
- What: To capture the unique success of quality first teaching and precise interventions to continue to close the gap in attainment in all areas of learning.
- Why: To ensure the vast majority (90%) of children are on track to achieve age-related expectations by the end of their time at Deansfield to successfully access the next stage in their learning journey.
- What: To further develop consistent approaches to planning, assessment and teaching of writing.
- Why: To ensure that progress is accelerated, and children are fluent when writing in all subjects
- What: To empower all children, parents, families and staff to maximise and sustain their mental health and well-being.
- Why: Good mental health and well-being is fundamental in supporting feelings of confidence and happiness and the ability to progress academically, emotionally and socially.
- What: To precisely embed transition processes and ensure continuous provision remains outstanding
- Why: Children continue to remain settled as they transition through the school
- What: To further enrich the cultural capital experiences for the whole school community
- Why: Families to have a greater access to the learning and research that we have in school and all children to have a rich breadth of experiences to deepen their knowledge base further.