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Extended Day

Alpha Childcare

Alpha Childcare provide a breakfast and after school club at Deansfield for up to 40 children from 3 - 11 years old.

  • Breakfast Club runs from 7.30 to 9.00 on school days.
  • After School Club runs from 3.30 to 6.30 on school days.

Both are based in the Foundation Hall and have use of a school playground for outside activities.

During school holidays Alpha Club run a Holiday Club from 7.30am to 6.30pm .

Telephone: 020 8469 1888

Alpha Booklet PDF

Extra Curriculum Clubs

We are pleased to offer the following clubs for Spring Term 2025.






Y5 - Y6

Y1 - Y6



Gardening with Mrs Catt



Y2 - Y3


Tag Rugby with Mrs Whitaker


Y1 - Y2

Y3 - Y6

Y5 - Y6

Y1 - Y2





Cricket with Mr Moir

Cricket with Mr Moir

Knitting with Mrs Whitaker

Gymnastics with Active Sports Group


Y1 - Y2

Y1 - Y6

Y5 - Y6

3.30 -4.30pm

3.30 -4.30pm

3.30 -4.30pm

Zumba with Mr Salmon

Elys Musical Theatre

Football with Active Sports Group


Y3- Y4

3.30 -4.30pm

Basketball with Active Sports Group

 Clubs start week beginning 13th January 2025.

After School Clubs run from 3.30pm and sports clubs will require the children to change into their PE kit so please ensure that it is in school. Clubs may be held in the playground and children may need jogging bottoms and sweatshirts.

Music clubs are subject to separate arrangements.

If your child is interested in joining a club, please use the My Child at School (MCAS) online payment system to book your child’s place.

Charges are only passed on to you when a charge for running a session has been levied against the school.  Please make your payments on MCAS; payments will not be taken in school for clubs.

There is a finite number of children each club can take (for Health and Safety purposes) and this number has been recorded on MCAS. We will do our best to help as many children interested in joining an Activity Club but if the numbers have reached their maximum, please let the School Office know to register your interest.

If clubs are not fully occupied and therefore not financially viable, we may have to reconsider arrangements. We will keep you advised if there is any likelihood of this situation and make a refund if necessary. Please note that we are unable to offer any refunds if your child doesn’t attend for any reason, i.e. school trips or illness.

We are inclusive and wish every child to have the opportunity to experiencing a school club/activity. If you have difficulties with cost, please do contact the office.

If you need any further information, please contact the school office.