Friends of Deansfield School
Welcome to the Friends of Deansfield School. We are a new charity set up to help enhance the education of pupils at Deansfield School by running events and activities to bring together pupils, parents, carers, and our local community, by raising funds to improve learning and play environments within the school and by supporting school initiatives. Everyone involved in the school community is welcome to join in, whether you have children or grandchildren at the school, or you are a childminder or live locally and want to support Deansfield School then you are welcome to get involved. We run events and activities for children, adults and families which need the help and support of many volunteers. So, if you would like to help please get in touch, follow us on social media and look out for our news and updates.
How to get involved
To find out what is planned, please look out for information on events and activities run by the Friends of Deansfield School, which will appear in the school’s Friday Flyer, here on the Deansfield website, in our newsletters, on posters at school and on your class WhatsApp groups. Please also follow us on Facebook and Instagram and sign up to our new events website and Easy Fundraising page.
Facebook: search for Friends of Deansfield School
Easy Fundraising:
Lots of volunteers are needed to help out with planning, running and advertising events like the Christmas Fayre, movie nights and school discos, year group cake sales or tuck shops, so if this interests you, please come along to our meetings to find out how you can help. Meeting dates will be advertised in the Friday Flyer and on our social media, we hope you can come.
Concerned about the expectations? Click here for a PDF of this image to dispel some worries about volunteering.
Class reps
Each class at Deansfield needs one or more class reps. Class reps help to share information, generate support and interest for activities and help to run events. This involves joining our WhatsApp group and attending one meeting per half term, to find out what is going on so that you can share the details with your class. Class reps also help to set up and run events and to support and raise awareness of fundraising activities and the benefits of these. Getting involved as a class rep is a good way to get to know the school community and your class and teacher better. If you are interested in finding out more about joining in this way, or would like to put yourself forward as a class rep, then please let us know by emailing and attending our next meeting. The details of meetings will be published in the Friday Flyer newsletter and on our social media. We hope you can help, thank you.
Easy Fundraising
Please sign up to Easy Fundraising to help raise money for the school whilst you shop online. Once registered donations will be made to the Friends of Deansfield School as you shop online as normal, it doesn’t cost you anything. Many retailers are included such as Argos, M&S, John Lewis, Tesco, Sainsbury's and Amazon. So far over £950 has been raised this way to help the school. Thank you to those already signed up, keep shopping!
Match funding
Your company may be able to help match funds raised.
Friends of Deansfield School is a registered charity (charity number:1195604).